Spiritual Aspects in Psychology and Psychotherapy


The Symposium is held in English.


Sunday, 10nd of November 2024

16.00   Welcome and participants’ registration  

17.00   Symposium opening and prayer

Chairperson: Anna Ostaszewska (Poland) / Werner May (Germany)

Participants introduce themselves and their institutions: challenges, plans, treasures

19.00 Dinner


Monday. 11nd of November2024

09.00   Morning session. Chairperson: Werner May (Germany)

Prayer time

09.30   Nicolene Joubert (South Africa): Trauma-Informed Christian Leadership: An Approach to Spiritual and Transformational Leadership. 

10.00   Questions to the Lecturer

10.15   Coffee break

10.45   Małgorzata Surma (Poland) Taking into account the patient's spirituality/religion in the psychotherapy process.

11.15   Questions to the Lecturer

11.30 Joan D.A. Juanola (Spain): The integration of Christian anthropology in the university degree in psychology

12.00- Questions to the Lecturer

12.15 Lunch time


13.15-14.30   City Tour Warsaw

15.00   Workshops

  • Andrey Lorgus (Bulgaria/Russia): Self-realization or creativity and internal resources.
  • Stefano Parenti (Italy): Integral psychotherapy of the person, based on the anthropology of Thomas Aquinas.
  • Paweł Surma (Poland): 12 Steps To Living Life To The Full – A 12-Step Recovery Workshop as a Method of Integrating Spirituality in the Practice of Psychological Assistance.

16.00-17.00 Summary reports from the workshops

17.30-18.30 Creative Spiritual Evening: Anna Ostaszewska – poems, Marcin Styczeń – music and singing  (www.marcinstyczen.pl )

19.00   Dinner


Tuesday, 12nd of November 2024

09.00   Morning session. Chairperson: Anna Ostaszewska (Poland)

            Prayer time

09.30 Ulla Dahlen (Finland): The Heart-House Model for Christian Psychotherapy.

10.00 Questions to the lecturer

10.15 Paloma Alonso Stuyck (Spain): Koumi Project which aims to heal sexual wounds

10.45 Questions to the lecturer

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 Lecture or discussion

12.15-13.15 Lunch time

13.15-14.00 Evaluation of the Symposium and plans for the future

Finish by Anna Ostaszewska (Poland) / Werner May (Germany)


14.00-15.00 EMCAPP Board meeting

15.00-22.00 Open time together, for those who haven't left yet


For Organization Information please write to post@werner-may.de

The registration deadline for the symposium is Mai 31, 2024.

Send your registration to:  sekretarz.zg@spch.pl